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About us


MyLife Entrust Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non Profit organization that believes in cultivating and shaping the mind to the reality. MyLife Entrust Foundation enlightens on many avenues that affect everyday life. We believe that education should be fulfilling and entertaining. MyLife Entrust Foundation is empowering the African American community by educating, inspiring, and stimulating. We are providing a source for knowledge that will advance and encourage self awareness of Cultural Heritage to help strengthen the foundation and restructure the African American mindset.



The programs that will be offered will be based on contingency and need to ensure that program duplication from other service organizations is not created. Since some of the goals of MyLife Entrust Foundations, is community involvement and banding African Americans together. We will work in partnership with other Service Organizations, to help push their mission and programs, by being a part of the different workshops and events. This will strengthen our goal of community rehabilitation. MyLife Entrust Foundation will create programs that emphasize morals, education, traditional family values, and more.



        Training Our Youth in the Field Of Media Production

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